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Benefacts spent €8.97m over the 7-year course of the project.
This came from:
The Department of Public Expenditure & Reform | €5,876,000 |
Other State grants or fees | €568,000 |
Philanthropies* | €2,355,000 |
Service fees | €171,000 |
At the start of the project, Benefacts asked its lead public and private funders to say what their priorities were. This was their response:

The Department of Public Expenditure & Reform said that for them, the biggest gain was in improved whole-of-government policy intelligence. For The Atlantic Philanthropies, it was public confidence and trust in the work of the sector. For the Ireland Funds, it was greater information and understanding in Ireland and overseas about the work of Irish nonprofits.
As a condition of its final grant agreement with the Department of Public Expenditure & Reform, Benefacts ceased trading in March 2022 and sought a voluntary strike-off from the Companies Register under Section 731 of the Companies Act 2014. A closing set of financial statements were prepared covering the 10-week period.